2016年11月美國遊戲治療協會及美國西岸完形遊戲治療學院認可四天密集海外課程 “完形遊戲治療:轉化負面的過去”一天基礎及三天進階課程
時間:早上10:00至下午5:00 (每天認可課程5.5小時) 共22個認可小時
地點:九龍佐敦吳松街191號突破中心1樓B室 (tbc)
*即日報名及繳費需付原價 (如支票需於開課日期前一星期收到為確定)
查詢及報名:2349 8031(bonita@trans-at-play.com) www.trans-at-play.com
時間:早上10:00至下午5:00 (每天認可課程5.5小時) 共22個認可小時
地點:九龍佐敦吳松街191號突破中心1樓B室 (tbc)
*即日報名及繳費需付原價 (如支票需於開課日期前一星期收到為確定)
查詢及報名:2349 8031(bonita@trans-at-play.com) www.trans-at-play.com
Ms Fecilia will come to HK for her last trip to share her experience. Please don't miss this learning opportunity to enjoy Laugh, Love and Play!
1-day Basic and 3-days Advanced Training in Gestalt Play Therapy:
Working with Shame and Negative Images of the Self
4 Full Days training, from 29 Nov to 2 Dec 2016
4 Full Days training, from 29 Nov to 2 Dec 2016
About the Presenter - Felicia Carroll, M.Ed. MA.: Licensed Marriage, Family Therapist and Registered Play Therapist-Supervisor is in private practice in Solvang, California. She is the Founder-Director of the West Coast Institute for Gestalt Play Therapy. She has studied and been a training co-leader with Violet Oaklander, Ph.D. for more than 25 years. Now that Dr. Oaklander has retired, she is regarded as “the person who is carrying on her work in teaching and training.” Felicia Carroll is a master’s graduate of the University of Oklahoma and University of California at Santa Barbara. She has credentials in educational psychology, child development, and counseling psychology. She was a classroom teacher for 12 years and was nominated as “Teacher of the Year” for her work with gifted and talented students. She is a Gestalt Therapist through the Gestalt Therapy Institute of Los Angeles and is a Certified Supervisor through the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapy. Felicia teaches at Gestalt institutes in Europe and Latin America, Southeast Asia in addition to offering training programs in the United States. She has published several chapters and articles about Gestalt therapy with children and on topics related to Gestalt theory and practice. Her chapter “Gestalt Play Therapy” is included in the recognized second edition Play Therapy: Theory and Practice eds. Kevin O’Connor and Lisa Braverman. Her most recent article, “Healing the Torment of Shame: The Pitchfork Princess” has been published by The Inter-American Journal of Psychology. She served as the guest editor for a special edition of the International Journal of Gestalt Therapy on Gestalt therapy with children and adolescents, which was published in fall 2009.
For enquiry: www.trans-at-play.com, bonita@trans-at-play.com, 23498031
The credit hours are recognized by the Association of Play Therapy (APT) and the West Coast Institute for Gestalt Play Therapy.
The credit hours are recognized by the Association of Play Therapy (APT) and the West Coast Institute for Gestalt Play Therapy.