
業界資訊 : Position: ABA Therapist 行為治療師 (Full-Time)

業界資訊 : Position: ABA Therapist (Full-Time)

Position: ABA Therapist  (Full-Time)
Company: P.L.A.I. Behaviour Consulting

P.L.A.I. is a perfect place for passionate individuals who are keen on developing a career in supporting children with special needs. We are currently looking for passionate individuals to join our expert team to provide family-centred support for families and schools. 

P.L.A.I. specializes in using ABA (Applied Behaviour Analysis) to support children with behaviour problems, language delay, Autism, and/ or other developmental disabilities. We provide home-based intervention as well as school support for pre-school and school-aged children. Our consultant designs an individualized behaviour support plan for each child we support. As an ABA therapist, you will be responsible in implementing the support plan under the supervision of our consultant. We will provide training in ABA when you join P.L.A.I. You will continue to receive training and support on the job. If you are interested in further in this field, P.L.A.I. is committed to support you by providing regular supervision and professional development opportunities. We would like to make sure that our staff continues to learn and advance their career.

Responsibilities of an ABA therapist:
  • Provide 1:1 or small group support for children with special needs at home, at school, or in the community
  • Apply teaching strategies that follows ABA principles as directed by a behaviour consultant to implement the child’s individualized intervention plan and behavioural support plan
  • Data collection and data management
  • Participate in regular videotaping or supervision during sessions
  • Prepare materials as needed
  • Meet with behaviour consultant on a regular basis
  • Attend professional development workshops and training regularly
  • Training and professional development opportunities
    •   Initial and ongoing training by a BCBA
    •   Mandatory RBT Training
    •   Supervision hours towards BCBA/ BCaBC
    •   Regular in-house workshop and training opportunities
    •   Access to our professional development fund
  • Gain experience in working in various settings
  • Relatively flexible work hours
  • Paid vacation days
  • Opportunities to further your career within P.L.A.I.
If you are interested in using behaviour intervention to improve lives of children and families, please contact us at info@plaiconsulting.com.

Requirements :
  • Experience in working with children
  • Bachelor degree in related field (e.g., Psychology, education, etc.)
  • Able to work independently and with a team
  • Fluent in English. Ability to speak and write in Cantonese or Mandarin will be an asset   


網上講座推介 : 星星孩子的奧運夢Zoom線上家長講座

日期: 8月19日(六)

時間: 早上10:30

ZOOM 線上講座

講者: May Ho


好多父母都沒有想過,星星的孩子也可以踏上國際運動舞台或以運動為職業° 其實只要我們給予機會,因著他們的強項與喜好加以發展及栽培, 也許我們的孩子就是另一個蘇樺偉

「香港特殊奧運領袖計劃義務導師」May Ho老師為我們講解如何進入特奧體系成為運動員, 更會分享與一班特教運動員到國外交流的點點滴滴。


如有任何查詢,請與杜姑娘聯絡 #28960323



計劃推介 : 「療癒.枕語」家庭為本精神健康計劃


「療癒.枕語」家庭為本精神健康計劃獲醫務衛生局撥款資助,由新生精神康復會負責推行,為期兩年,於2023年 5月開展。計劃旨在透過以「家庭為本」活動作介入,透過身心靈健康教育講座、親子靜觀工作坊及親子靜觀平衡小組,以促進家庭凝聚力及提升家長、孩子和家庭的幸福感。


查詢電話:3552 5255



工作坊推介 : 親子園藝工作坊

今個夏天,愛傳遞將會聯乘Green Skies Aquaponic Farming 綠悠天魚菜共生合辦魚菜共生農莊!


日期:2023年7月21日/ 8月4日/ 8月18日/ 8月25日(星期五)

時間:上午 10:00- 中午 12:00

對象:5-12歲 SEN孩子及其家長(基層家庭優先)


費用: 全免 



查詢可聯絡 [愛傳遞] 

梁姑娘:28960323 或 WhatsApp 90164288