

活動推介 : 【星兒才藝展魅力2016】於8月7日00:00開始網上投票!

活動推介 : 【星兒才藝展魅力2016】於8月7日00:00開始網上投票!

來自世界各地的104隊參賽片段於 8 月 7 日 00:00 至 9 月 7 日 00:00 期間上載至網上予公眾投票,快來投你心水隊伍一票吧!投票無須註冊賬戶,直接點擊至視頻,在視頻下方按「讚好」,再按 「vote」即可。您亦可按「View Results」查詢該視頻的所得票數。

Online voting for 【Autistic Talent Gala 2016】 is being started from August 7 !
The 104 performance videos will be uploaded to the website during 00:00 August 7 to 00:00 September 7. Lets vote for your favourite teams ! To vote for your favourite teams, just click the “Like” button and then the “Vote” button below the videos. You can also check the total numbers of votes of the video by clicking the “View Results” button.
活動推介 : 【星兒才藝展魅力2016】於8月7日00:00開始網上投票!