

活動推介 : iPad 在 特殊教育需要 (SEN) 的應用工作坊

內容 : 討論 iPAD 的輔助功能 (accessibility features) 及一些應用在 SEN 的軟件。
講者 : 崔煒韜先生- 扶學科技協進會會長     袁老師 - 資深特殊教育工作者
日期 : 2014-08-10 (Sun) 3pm to 5 pm
費用 : 全免 - 請注意 自備 IPad ,此工作坊以粵語進行
名額 : 二十位 ( 業內人仕、康復、特殊學習需要人仕照顧者、專業義工 VPCC-1 /VPCC-2 優先 )
地點 : 港島東區鰂魚涌社區會堂
太古地站 B 出口左面往北角方向路旁小公園左轉 - ( 逸樺園一座旁 )
查詢 : Whatsapp 54442939
截止 : 2014-08-09 (Sat)

The iPhone and iPad have a lot of built-in accessibility features that make them easier to use for people with different disabilities - the visually impaired, the hearing impaired and the physical handicapped. Do you know what these features are and how to use them? The upcoming iOS 8 promises to do more. Do you want to get a sneak preview?

There are many apps designed to help students with special education needs - kids with autism, kids with special learning disabilities, etc. Do you want to know how to effectively look for these apps? What are some of the better known apps for AAC, social story, visual scheduling, sensory training, etc. both locally developed and from abroad? What are the distinguishing features of these apps?

In this 2-hour experience sharing session, we intend to go over the accessibility features of the iOS devices, what they are and how to use them. We will also look at a number of special needs apps and what make them stand apart from the rest.

This will be a free form discussion, if you have any favorite special needs apps of your own, feel free to come and share them with the rest of the group.